Sixteen judges, seven opinions.
September 20, 2018The en banc case of Alvarez v. City of Brownsville involved a difficult question about municipal liability, under 42 U.S.C § 1983, for an alleged Brady violation arising during the plea bargaining process. The plaintiff had won a $2.3 million judgment after a jury trial. The majority opinion found inadequate evidence of deliberate indifference for § 1983 liability; as to the Brady issue, it held that “case law from the Supreme Court, this circuit, and other circuits does
not affirmatively establish that a constitutional violation occurs when Brady material is not shared during the plea bargaining process.” From there, the sixteen judges that comprised this en banc panel authored six other opinions; this chart summarizes the authors and the joinders. No. 16-40772 (Sept. 18, 2018). It is unclear how that breakdown may carry over to commercial cases, but the opinions are revealing insights into a number of judges’ attitudes about structural and constitutional issues.