Sail to England

May 2, 2023

Owners of a yacht sued in Texas about an insurance-coverage issue. The Fifth Circuit affirmed the dismissal of the case because of a forum-selection clause requiring suit in England, noting;

  1. Standard. When the parties have a valid forum-selection clause, the general forum non conveniens factors are modified in two ways. “‘First, the plaintiff’s choice of forum merits no weight’ because, by contracting for a specific forum, ‘the plaintiff has effectively exercised its “venue privilege” before a dispute arises.'” And “[s]econd, the private-interest factors ‘weigh entirely in favor of the preselected forum’ ….” (citations omitted).
  2. Limitations? Plaintiffs were concerned about how an English court would apply the statute of limitations. But the case law says that “dismissal of a suit ‘when the plaintiff has violated a contractual obligation by filing suit other than the one specified in a valid forum-seleciton clause … works no injustice on the plaintiff.'” (citation omitted).

Noble House LLC v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, No. 22-20281 (May 1, 2023).

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