No standing on the masks

August 2, 2022

The panel majority in E.T. v. Paxton held that a group of students lacked standing (based on their concerns about catching COVID-19) to challenge Governor Abbott’s order prohibiting school mask mandates, noting:

“This circuit does not ‘recognize the concept of probabilistic standing based on a non-particularized increased risk—that is, an increased risk that equally affects the general public.’ And even where increased-risk claims are particularized, they generally ‘cannot satisfy the actual or imminent requirement,’ which necessitates ‘evidence of a certainly impending harm or substantial risk of harm.’ That’s because ‘[m]uch government regulation slightly increases a citizen’s risk of injury—or insufficiently decreases the risk compared to what some citizens might prefer.'”

But cf. Sambrano v. United Airlines, No. 21-11159 (Feb. 17, 2022) (unpublished) (finding standing in a COVID vaccine-mandate case when: “Plaintiffs are several United employees who requested religious or medical accommodations from United. Those requesting religious accommodations did so out of concern that aborted fetal tissue was used to develop or test the COVID-19 vaccines.”).

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