Moot Mootness Challenge

February 21, 2024

Aggrieved creditors argued that a recent Supreme Court opinion, which held that section 363(b) of the Bankruptcy Code was not jurisdictional (and could thus be waived), also impacted the scope of that statute when it applied. The Fifth Circuit rejected that argument in Swiss Re v. Fieldwood Energy, stating: “We perceive no narrowing of the effect of Section 363(b) other than to clarify that a party can lose the benefit of its terms.” No. 23-20104 (Feb. 20, 2024). From there, the Court found that the creditors’ appeal was moot because a stay had not been obtained, and the issues presented did not relate to anything left open by the bankruptcy plan.

(The illustration is from DALL-E, I asked it to illustrate the bankruptcy concept of statutory mootness, and it came up with that image, for no reason that I can ascertain. I offer it to you as a good example of generative AI doing something that is both very sophisticated and very weird.)

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