Limitations Tolled

August 14, 2024

The Kobayashi Maru was an impossible test used by Star Trek’s Starfleet Academy to challenge cadets. The plaintiff in Zaragoza v. Union Pacific R.R. Co. faced a similarly difficult challenge with the Ishihara test for color-blindness, leading to a dispute whether he should have been allowed to continue working as a train conductor. The Fifth Circuit held that limitations on his claim had been tolled:

“Zaragoza was included in the Harris class, as pled in February 2016 and as initially certified in February 2019. Therefore, his disability discrimination claims were tolled from the time they accrued until he asserted them, as an individual claimant, with the EEOC in March 2020.”

No. 23-50194 (Aug. 12, 2024).

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