Improper Closing Argument

March 11, 2024

The Fifth Court ordered a rare reversal for a new trial because of improper closing argument in Clapper v. American Realty Investors. The Court summarized the improper statements as “employ[ing] nearly every type of improper argument identified by our court, including highly improper and personal attacks against opposing counsel, remarks about Clapper’s wealth, a discussion of matters not in the record, insinuations that Clapper had lower moral standards because he was from Michigan, and suggestions of Clapper’s bad motives through counsels’ opinion.”

The Court concluded: “We remind all practitioners in our court that zealous advocacy must not be obtained at the expense of incivility. As Judge Reavley aptly explained, ‘Although earnest, forceful, and devoted representation is both zealous and proper, Rambo and kamikaze lawyers lead themselves and their clients to zealous extinction.'” No. 21-10805 (March 8, 2024).

Notably, footnote two dismisses several arguments about preservation, concluding that “[t]he serious nature of the argument in this trial … indicates that substantial justice requires a new trial ….”

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