ERISA benefits denial reversed –

June 18, 2018

The Fifth Circuit issued a rare reversal in favor of an ERISA beneficiary in White v. Life Ins. Co. of N. Am. The issue was whether an “intoxication” exclusion applied; a doctor consulted by the plan administrator in its decision about benefits opined: “Since the only blood test done was an alcohol [test] that was negative and no blood tested for the presence of drugs, an estimation of Mr. White’s level of impairment cannot be done. The drugs present in his urine only show that he had prior exposure and cannot be used to estimate a level of impairment. Further, the drug screen that was done on Mr. White’s urine specimen only provided qualitative positive results.” The Court concluded that even though the insurer’s denial of benefits was supported by substantial evidence, its failure to expressly consider this report in its analysis (or to produce the report to the beneficiary’s estate until litigation) showed that its inherent conflict of interest had predominated and invalidated its denial. No. 17-30367 (revised June 14, 2018).

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