Results for: contempt

The civil-criminal distinction was outcome determinative of the issue presented in Charitable DAF Fund, L.P. v. Highland Capital Management, L.P.: “Highland incurred virtually all its contempt-related expenses because the bankruptcy court permitted extensive discovery and conducted a marathon evidentiary hearing … Continue reading

The Fifth Circuit reversed a contempt order related to the Bureau of Prisons’ calculation of sentencing credits, noting, inter alia: Oral injunction? An oral injunction can be effective, where, as here: “[T]he oral injunction was not tentative, and the district … Continue reading

A preliminary injunction forbade the Department of Health and Human Services from “acting in accordance with the Notice of Termination . . . relative to [a nursing facility’s] Medicare and Medicaid Provider Agreement”.  After the injunction expired, HHS proceeded with termination.  Oaks of … Continue reading

In a case about whether a debtor’s discharge order could be enforced in a district other than the one that entered the order – a difficult question generating much analysis over the years – the Fifth Circuit “adopt[s] the language … Continue reading

A recurring issue in litigation about injunctions and similar court orders is how much specificity is required. In In re: Jankovic, a judgment debtor complained about a contempt order requiring his production of tax returns. The specific language required him … Continue reading

Continuing a line of cases involving careful scrutiny of injunctions by the Fifth Circuit, the Court again took issue with an order in Scott v. Schedler. The district court required Tom Schedler, Louisiana’s Secretary of State, to “maintain in force and effect his … Continue reading

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