No link, no chain.

July 20, 2021

The Fifth Circuit rejected class claims about the handling of funds in an ERISA plan, identifying a basic standing problem arising from the links in the causal chain of the plaintiffs’ damages theory: “[Plaintiffs’] expert has provided calculations for the returns that they would have earned had they not invested in the FCU Option but  had instead placed their money in a stable value fund. This ‘lost investment income’ is a ‘concrete’ and redressable injury for the purposes of standing.  That said, another question we must ask is whether Plaintiffs would have in fact invested in a stable value fund to earn the higher returns had [Defendants] never offered the FCU Option. In other words, the question is whether Plaintiffs have demonstrated that it is ‘substantially probable that the challenged acts of the defendant, not of some . . . third party[]’ (including themselves) caused the injury.  If anything, the record reveals that Plaintiffs would not have invested in a stable value fund in a counterfactual world since they did not place their money in one when given the opportunity to do so.” (citations omitted, emphasis added). Oritz v. American Airlines, No. 20-10817 (July 19, 2021).

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