Payment provision runs with the land

February 18, 2018

The issue in Fort Worth 4th Street Partners LP v. Chesapeake Energy Corp. was whether a payment provision in a “Surface Use Agreement,” signed at the same time as a mineral lease, created an obligation that ran with the land. On the element of whether the covenant “touched and concerned” the property, the Fifth Circuit observed that the benefit of the provision “is not merely the right to receive payment but also how the method of calculating this payment preserves the land’s value to its owner. By basing the payment due on the square footage occupied by the lessee, the terms of the provision operate to incentivize the lessee to use, and consequently, damage, as little of the surface land as possible. Critically, structuring the payment in this way does not merely compensate FWP for any such damage; it impacts how the lessee will
use the land, thereby preserving its value to its owner.” No. 17-10040 (Feb. 15, 2018).

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